Saturday, November 30, 2019
Puja essay Essay Example
Puja essay Essay Buddhists believe that by performing certain actions with the right intentions it is possible to purify your karma and attain merit may any auspicious purify power generated by writing this work be for the benefit of my parents, wife, and daughter all who read this book and beings, merit can help on the path to enlightenment and can also be shared with others, just like the Buddha shared with his followers. In the days of the Buddha his followers seen him and his teachings as a refuge, in Buddhism the word refuge means a place you can go to be safe, a place you can trust, a place you an go and develop as a person, and a place for support. Buddhist thought that the world is full of perils, ignorance and suffering and Buddhism was a refuge from this. The community of Buddhism also became a refuge for followers. Many traditions in Buddhism see the three jewels as refuges and will chant them in pail, Buddhism saran chamois, dammar saran chamois, gingham saran chamois this chant is called going for refuge and is very important in the Buddhist ritual. In chanting the formula Buddhists orientate themselves from worldly things like money and romance ND push themselves towards the three jewels. During the time of the Buddha all those who took refuge in him were called buckish, he sent them out with the words go monks and travel for the welfare and happiness of the people out of compassion for the world, teach the dharma, buckish lived a wandering life, they taught the dharma and only ate what was given to them. In Buddhism there are no rules about how often one should worship, however many Buddhists keep a shrine in their house so they can perform simple acts of worship daily. We will write a custom essay sample on Puja essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Puja essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Puja essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The word shrine implies that it is a place where something special is kept, in all forms of Buddhism ceremonies are held regularly in temples. The layout of the shrine and the objects associated with it vary from one Buddhist saga to another, but there are common features between them all. There is usually a statue or a picture of shamanic in the centre of the shrine; Mahayana shrines in particular are more likely to have a variety of Buddha images. Offering water at the butane is a symbol of respect, this is because India is such a warm country and water is a valuable moodily. Light is an important symbol, in Buddhism a candle flame represents enlightenment. A shrine is treated with great respect and care, it is usually cleaned daily, with water and food changed daily. Statues are also a part of pupas, the identity of the statue on the shrine depends largely on the kind of Buddhism being carried out. Tetrahedral Buddhist temples and shrines have statues of the historical Buddha; in this case the statue represents the historical Buddha as worthy of respect for what he achieved. The Buddhist rage to show respect for all that the Buddha stands for through their actions comes from the practice in early Buddhism of visiting and circumnavigating status containing the relics of the Buddha are an important part of worship. A mantra is a phrase containing the name of an enlightened being that worshippers repeat and In doing so they manifest the qualities of that enlightened being, mom main padre hum is an important mantra. In Tibetan Buddhism the mantra is written on prayer flags and on pieces of paper that are put inside prayer wheels which the worshipper turns.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
30 Nautical Expressions
30 Nautical Expressions 30 Nautical Expressions 30 Nautical Expressions By Mark Nichol Last week, I listed fifty nautical terms originating from seafaring jargon but extended by analogy, with new meanings, to general usage. This roster includes idioms and expressions derived from nautical phrases, many of them originally codified as commands. 1. Abandon ship: an order given when a vessel is disabled or about to sink (give up on an idea or project) 2. All hands on deck: an order for all crew members to assemble in an emergency (a call for everyone available to be available to assist with an activity or event) 3. Anchor’s aweigh: a comment made when a vessel’s anchor is clear of the ocean floor and the vessel can leave its anchorage; sometimes pluralized to â€Å"anchors aweigh†and occasionally misspelled â€Å"anchors away†(a reference to being ready to go) 4. Batten down (the hatches): an order to secure hatches and doors and, when simply rendered â€Å"batten down,†all gear (prepare for criticism or opposition) 5. Bear a hand: an order to assist in the performance of an action (help) 6. Bear down (on): overtake (apply additional effort) 7. Bitter end: the last segment of a rope or chain (the final portion of a difficult or unpleasant task or occurrence) 8. Cast off: let go (remove or throw away) 9. Come around: turn into the wind (align oneself with another way of thinking) 10. Dead ahead: in front of the vessel directly along its center line (straight ahead) 11. Even keeled: well balanced said of a vessel (steady, even tempered) 12. Fend off: push off when landing in a boat so as to avoid damage or upset (defend oneself from others or keep them away) 13. Gangway: an area on a vessel for embarking and disembarking (a warning to move out of the way) 14. Gone overboard: fallen over the side (said of one who has veered too far from the norm in one’s actions or opinions) 15. Keep a sharp lookout: an order to be especially vigilant in watching for hazards (be alert) 16. On deck: present for duty (in baseball, taking one’s place in a special area when one is next up at bat; in general, next in line or about to be presented) 17. Pay out: steadily slacken a line (distribute payment) 18. Pass down the line: relay an order (convey news or information in a series or to others) 19. Pass the word: repeat an order (convey news or information to others) 20. Run aground: striking the ocean floor with the hull of a vessel (halted because of a lack of resources, or reached an impasse) 21. Set a course: steer the vessel toward the intended destination (specify policy or a course of action) 22. Shake a leg: make haste (move quickly) 23. Shoot across the bow: fire a weapon in front of a vessel to signal that it should halt, at the risk of attack if the warning shot is ignored (express a comment or perform an action that signals intent in order to determine the likely response to a subsequent comment or action) 24. Sound out: determine the depth of a body of water (obtain someone’s opinion or reaction) 25. Stand by: an order to await further commands (wait) 26. Stem the tide: steer directly into a current or waves (prevent a mounting force or threat) 27. Stem to stern: the forward end of the bow to the rear part of the vessel; the entire vessel (front to back, beginning to end, or all-inclusive) 28. Storm warning: an announcement of a coming storm (a harbinger of danger or threat) 29. Three sheets to the wind: sailing with sails unsecured (drunk) 30. Wide berth: a significant distance between one vessel and another (plenty of space) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:List of Greek Words in the English LanguageDozen: Singular or Plural?
Friday, November 22, 2019
67 Causal Essay Topics to Consider
67 Causal Essay Topics to Consider A causal essay is much like a cause and effect essay but there may be a subtle difference in the minds of some instructors who use the term causal essay for more complex topics, and the term cause and effect essay for smaller or more straightforward topics. However, both terms describe essentially the same type of essay and the goal in both types of essays is the same – to come up with a list of events or factors (causes) that bring about a certain outcome (effect). How or why did something happen? It is important to make a clear connection between each cause and the ultimate effect. The most common problem students face in writing the causal essay is running out of causes to talk about. It is helpful to sketch out an outline before you begin writing the first draft of your outline. Your essay should include a strong introduction, good transition statements, and a well-crafted conclusion. Topics to Consider You can use a topic from this list, or use the list as inspiration for your own idea. What conditions and events led to the Great Depression?What prompts a change in fashion trends?Why do some people fear darkness?How did some dinosaurs leave footprints?What causes criminal behavior?What causes people to rebel against authority?What conditions lead to a powerful hurricane?What developments led to regional accents in the United States?Why do good students become truant?What causes war?What factors can lead to birth defects?How are insurance rates determined?What factors can lead to obesity?What can cause evolution to occur?Why does unemployment rise?Why do some people develop multiple personalities?How does the structure of the earth change?What factors can cause bulimia nervosa?What makes a marriage fail?What developments and conditions led to the Declaration of Independence?What led to the decline of the automobile industry?What factors led to the decline of the Roman Empire?How did the Grand Canyon form?Why did slavery replace indentured servitude in the American co lonies? How has popular music been affected by technology?How has racial tolerance changed over time?What led to the Dot Com bubble burst?What causes the stock market to fall?How does scarring occur?How does soap work?What causes a surge in nationalism?Why do some bridges collapse?Why was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?How did we get the various versions of the Bible?What factors led to unionization?How does a tsunami form?What events and factors led to womens suffrage?Why did electric cars fail initially?How do animals become extinct?Why are some tornadoes more destructive than others?What factors led to the end of feudalism?What led to the Martian Panic in the 1930s?How did medicine change in the nineteenth century?How does gene therapy work?What factors can lead to famine?What factors led to the rise of democratic governments in the 18th century?How did baseball become a national pastime in the United States?What was the impact of Jim Crow laws on black citizens in the United States?What fa ctors led to the growth of imperialism? Why did the Salem Witch Trials take place?How did Adolf Hitler come to power?What can cause damage to your credit?How did the conservationism start?How did World War I start?How do germs spread and cause illness?How do we lose weight?How does road salt prevent accidents?What makes some tires grip better than others?What makes a computer run slowly?How does a car work?How has the news industry changed over time?What created Beatlemania?How did organized crime develop?What caused the obesity epidemic?How did grammar rules develop in the English language?Where do political parties come from?How did the Civil Rights movement begin?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Managerial Decision Making Research and Analysis Paper - 1
Managerial Decision Making and Analysis - Research Paper Example This strategic initiative has enabled the company to grow its business in international scales. As a result, nowadays, Starbucks operates in 62 countries across North America, Latin America, the Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. As of September, 2014 the company employed approximately 191, 000 people (Starbucks Annual Report, 2014). For the FY 2014 the company reported the total net revenue of $16, 447.8 million, which resulted in 12% increase compared to the revenue generated in FY 2013 (Starbucks Annual Report). Below is provided more detailed overview of company’s total net revenue for the past 5 years. Thus, total net revenues of Starbucks increased by 11% in 2014 compared to 2013. In terms of business segments, the Americas business segment has generated the highest share of revenue - $ 12 billion (increased by 9% compared to FY 2013 (Starbucks Annual Report, 2014). Starbucks, being a company operating internationally faces many different types of risks and uncertainties, which are industry-specific, country-specific and general business risks. In its Annual Financial report, Starbucks indicates risks and possible changes to the economic environment that could ultimately appear to have adverse affect on its financial condition, business, or results of operation. Some of these risks include the following: As the US is one of the major markets generating significant share of the total revenue of the company, it is dependent on the economic condition in this country, in particular, on consumer discretionary spending (Starbucks Annual Report, 2014). Starbucks operates in food and beverage industry and is subject to public criticism and other adverse opinions. Such incidents could harm the company’s business and damage its brand value (Starbucks Annual Report, 2014). Thus, for example any report linking Starbucks with use of unclean water would threaten the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The killer inside me by Jim Thompson Research Paper
The killer inside me by Jim Thompson - Research Paper Example More than the description of the crimes, what is more important is his cynical state of mind, which gets reflected in the way he needles people around him especially by his words which often bore them. He declares his sickness to be perhaps of psychosomatic origin. However Lou Ford on the outside leads the normal life of a respectable cop who is well like by his superiors especially Sheriff Maples. It is the perversion of Lou’s mind, whether it is about sexual encounters or pure cases of murder that gives shape to the plot with an underlying motive of exploring the bifurcated personality of Ford. The novel begins with Lou’s encounter with the proprietor of a restaurant and before that a waitress of the same place. Lou Ford comes to the readers as a fine, polished kind hearted person unless he begins drawling his sentences during his conversation with the proprietor. Lou does not carry a gun because he does not think about crooks like the way people do. Despite being a c op, he thinks that people are â€Å"a little misguided. You don’t hurt them, they won’t hurt you. They’ll listen to reason†(Thompson 4). ... The author switches the opinions about Ford quite briskly as the narrator states, â€Å"I liked the guyâ€â€as much as I like most people, anywayâ€â€but he was too good to let go. Polite, intelligent: guys like that are my meat.†(Thompson 4) the last phrase gives a hint about his perversion of mind. He purposely tries to bore him with philosophical talks while he knows very well that people dislikes a bore and â€Å"If there’s anything worse than a bore, it’s a corny bore†(Thompson 5). The moment he begins drawling out long sentences he finds that the proprietor is eager to quit the conversation. So Lou gets a sadistic pleasure in teasing people around him. The novel also introduces us to Bob Maples, the sheriff who trusts Lou a lot and is ready to back his decisions without knowing what they are. The readers come to know of his sickness directly for the first time when he meets Joyce Lakeland. One comes to know of the sickness he went through and encountered for the first time when he was fourteen years old. With a deeper thought one can perceive that this sickness is related to sexual perversion. It is aroused once again after a long time when he meets Joyce. His sexual perversion is aroused when he enters into a bickering with Joyce after she finds him holding her gun. By revealing his identity she begins to get violent with him and hits him hard. It brings out the long dormant sickness inside him and he is engaged into a violent sexual assault on her. Even a while before this happens he tries to get away as fast as he can because he fears that â€Å"She’s talks. She’d yell her head off. And people would start thinking, thinking and wondering about
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Who Was Right about Popular Culture Essay Example for Free
Who Was Right about Popular Culture Essay Popular culture or Pop Culture is the in thing today. Many people are up to it especially the youths. It emerged from different fields, from the latest fashion, latest gadgets, and latest celebrities – may it be actors or actresses or singers, latest movies, latest computer games, latest music, latest arts, to the latest party place or get away. Popular culture is something that almost every country has because in one way or another, every country influences one another. In this time, the central source of the popular culture is the United States of America and the European Countries. In the U. S., there is Hollywood which is the haven of different people who loves the latest trends in music, films, and celebrities. There is Tokyo in Japan, New York in the United States, Madrid and Italy in Europe which are the sources of the popular culture. Popular culture can be defined in many aspects, but there is one thing in common. Popular culture is characterized as impersonal. It is something that has a static dimension because popular culture changes over time. Its components are changing every time and it depends on what the season is. There are many known sociologists who write about the popular culture. There are many approaches in studying the popular culture. It has different interpretations. One of the most noted writers or thinkers of popular culture is C. L. R James and Theodor Adorno. Each of them has defined popular culture based on their sociological background and based on the thoughts they are in. As for C. L. R. James he has the Marxist influence, while Theodor Adorno was mainly influenced by Frankfurt School. The two sociologists tackle popular culture with different approach. With their given approach, it can be easily seen who is most right when it comes popular culture. In this paper I will discuss the premises they have given to come up with the right conclusion of who has the right in discussing and/or who is the better writer of the popular culture. Cyril Lionel Robert James, 1901-1989 C. L. R. James was born in Trinidad and Tobago. He went to Queen’s Royal College. He is considered as a social theorist and journalist. He is a member of Beacon Group which is related to The Beacon Magazine. The works of James are focused on the societal changes, the class status, and the types of society. He has been an activist of the equality of all men. He is the analyst of the changes in the society which has big effects on the world. But his works are all dedicated to his fellow Negros. His works are devoted for them. He has tried to uplift the status of Negroes around the world. Popular Culture for him is a hybrid of classic humanist reflexes and the receptivity in a postmodernist way to novelty, celebrity, and genre. He gave emphasis on the interplay among the creators, formats, audiences, and the capacity of people. This is based upon the production and consumption of different variations of art and entertainment. He is deeply committed to the discussion of humanist learning and popular protest. He also tapped politics and particularly the socialism. He said that culture has a commoditized form; this can be accounted to his deep attachment in literature and cricket. He said that mass audience has a big part in the emergence of classical drama and contemporary sport. The consumption of popular culture can be represented by the connection to literature and cricket. Thus, popular culture was brought about by the interaction of the individual artist and mass audience.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Deadly Realization Essay -- essays research papers
A Deadly Realization I walked into school around 8:25, rolling out of bed only a half hour before. I wiped the rain from my face, I hate when it rains. As usual, I strolled in with a casual walk, like I was the coolest, because I could come in late every morning since I had no first period class. The first person I saw as I walked through the cafeteria toward the staircase was Louise. Usually an outgoing and crazy person, she strikes many as being on crack. She calmly and quietly said "hey", with her face to the floor, not even looking at me. On my way up the staircase to my locker, I passed my good friend Mike. He looked me in the face and said, "Did you hear?" I replied with intense wonder of what the latest gossip at Shoreham-Wading River High School could be. "No", I replied, "what happened?" "You'll find out at the assembly." I had a few minutes before second period began, so I walked to the library, and pulled up a seat across from my friend Ke vin. "What's up, I heard we have an assembly this morning." "Yeah, I think two juniors got in an accident last night, but I heard they're all ok." I jokingly responded, "Well, at least periods are shorter." He gave me a tiny smirk, silently telling me we shouldn't be laughing over such a horrible thing. The bell rang, and first period ended. Dr. Hayward the principal came over the loudspeaker, "All students please report to the auditorium." Kevin and I got up, and joined the crowd slowly squeezing into the auditorium through the two open doors. I looked around and saw a group of my best friends sitting together. Katie had her head on Louise's shoulder, and Mike and Kyle sat there with a blank stare on their faces. I made my way into a seat, and looked at everyone, "Hey guys." No one responded, not even a look. By this point, I was scared at what news I might hear. I didn't know what to be thinking. For everyone to be so upset, it must be really serious. I looked around. Everyone had a look of wonder on their face, or they were crying, or just didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to think. I had never seen my friends like this before. Never have I seen Mike so serious, he would laugh if I got run over by a car. But this time was different for sur... ...ast person I knew that would take their own life. He always seemed happy, never missed a good laugh, and always walked around with a smile on his face. On the last day of school, the senior class planted a tree in his honor. It was strange, only about twenty kids showed up. Those that felt really close to Wes. I think to those few, Wes will never really die, and he'll always be there. Often times, when I'm upset about something, I remember what happened to Wes, and realize, things can be much, much worse. That night, I drove down Wes's street with a bunch of my friends. We each began to talk of our fondest memories of Wes, of all our memories of Wes. His smile was unforgettable, and his personality the kindest. I'll never forget that last thing Wes told me. "I'll see you on Monday." I never saw Wes that Monday, and I'll never forgive myself for not making more of that night with him. I think one really important thing that I learned from Wes, is to treat everyday of your life as if it may be your last. I've heard that line so many times before, I never really thought about it, but now, I hope to never forget it.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sample Business Plan
Business Plan CLK Corporation Food Industry Members: Claudine Aurellano Liza Gaston Kashka Lantion A. Name of Enterprise Krasi & trofi? Once upon a Greek Bistro†¦ B. Location Bonifacio High Street Global City, Taguig City C. Project Description Krasi & trofi? (once upon a Greek Bistro†¦) will open at Bonifacio High Street(B1). The store is open from Monday to Sunday at 10AM to 10PM. It introduces an exquisite type of Greek Cuisine in the Philippines. It offers a Greek traditional way of fine dining, where customers can enjoy the customs of Greece like being introduced to the Greek superstitions, traditions, and holidays. The Bistro’s color scheme is blue and white since it’s the color of the national flag of Greece. Its advantage is the specialty dishes that are Greek inspired, as well as the fresh ingredients. D. Project Objective †¢ To introduce a new taste to Filipino customers. †¢ To introduce to Filipinos the traditions and cultural ways of Greeks. †¢ To attract future investors through the unique way of our business. In any business, the main goal is to earn profit. †¢ To be competitive in the food industry by producing income. E. Mission Statement Our product mission is to let our clients/target market experience the Greek way of living as well as satisfying their wants, needs, and expectations. Our economic mission is to gain profit and to expand the business as well as to achieve our set margins in order to have a stable business and to satisfy shareholders. Our social mission is to provide employment to Filipinos and give them a great opportunity of experiencing a different way of serving in a fine restaurant, in order for them to have an extraordinary skill in the future. Vision The company’s vision is for the next 3 years is to increase our profit to more than 50% of our current earnings. The business performance will also increase and attract other investors and shareholders. Gaining more investors will lead to the expansion of the business to greater markets. In those three years we intend to gain more clients that patronize our product and services. We, not only sell the products, but as well as the different yet wonderful experience in dining with us. F. Highlights of the Project †¢ Company’s History Greece is famous for their large appetite which is identical to the eating habits of Filipinos, that is why Krasi & trofi? wanted to bring a new kind of cookery that is familiar as well in the Filipino culture. Greece is also known for its specialty ingredients like lambs, yogurts, olives, and wine that create remarkable dishes. Greece is also well-known for its lively entertainment and its superstitions and traditions that they practice up to now. Krasi & trofi? would also illustrate a Greek Style of service that would bring excitement and satisfaction to its customers. Project time table and status †¢ Industry analysis †¢ Financial analysis †¢ Investment G. Major Suppositions Used and Summary of Findings †¢ Market Viability †¢ Technical Viability †¢ Financial Viability †¢ Socio-Economic Viability †¢ Management Viability H. Conclusion of the Study ‘ Chapter II Market Study A. Product Description Krasi & trofi? is a fine dining Greek Bist ro that caters dishes like Fricasse (arn-nee free-cah-seh), a stew lamb made with spinach, Sadziki (tsa-tsi-key): Yogurt, cucumber and garlic, and salt. It is great on fresh Greek bread. Those are few of the cuisines that we offer. Our dishes are both Greek and Filipino-inspired that interest more customers. B. Demand and Supply Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. Supply represents how much the market can offer. The quantity supplied refers to the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply when receiving a certain price. The correlation between price and how much of a good or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply relationship. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand. C. Demand and Supply analysis The analysis of demand and supply depends on how the relationship is doing. For example, if the demand is high and the supply remains constant, the price therefore will increase. It is because there is a scarcity of supply; therefore there is a limited number of product/service that can be purchased so people who can only afford the product can buy it. And when the demand is lower than the supply, then the price would decrease because the company should be able to produce and sell all the supplies in order to gain back their capital. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand. D. List of competitors CYMA Greek Taverna Manos Greek Taverna E. Study on Product, Place and Promotion (Needs geographic, survey and demographic) F. Marketing program
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Should the Drinking Age Remain at 21 or Be Lowered to 18
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Thursday, November 7, 2019
Egyptian Religion essays
Egyptian Religion essays Religion played a much greater role in Egyptian society than it does in ours today. Everyone in Egypt was required to be the same religion as everyone else. All Egyptians had religion in common, so this made religion something the people could openly discuss and celebrate together. In our society, we are of hundreds of different religions, and we cannot share religion with one another. In Egyptian society, pharaohs could build many religious temples and shrines, so religion was also a part of the government. Here if our president put money towards anything remotely religious, he would not be treating everyone else in the country fairly. He would be supporting one religion which would make others think that the president thinks the supported religion is the best and does not like the others. This would cause quite an uproar! Under most rulers, all Egyptians were forced into one religion and made to worship the same gods. Pharaohs could and would do anything in their power to have all people under his or her rule worship their same way. In this society, there are laws that make it illegal to use any type of force to push anyone into joining a religion. This would be breaking the First Amendment which says everyone is entitled to freedom of religion. In this society, forcing anyone into a religion or cult is a criminal offense, and those who do so can be put on trial or even put in jail. All Egyptians could celebrate religious holidays and traditions because they shared the same religion. This would put religion as a very talked about subject. Here our religious beliefs are very diverse and we have many different rituals, so we cannot talk about religion as often. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
5 Ways Parents Can Help Students Cope With College Rejection or Waitlist
During admission season, we all know what the last thing anyone wants to see is the infamous â€Å"thin letter.†There are many reasons why this document can be scary or stressful to receive, one of the most obvious being that it can indicate a rejection or a waitlisted status from a beloved school. While this let-down is difficult for you as the parent, it may be hard for you to imagine or understand how your child is feeling during this time  especially if they are reluctant to communicate with you. So how do you come to better understand your child without making them feel like you are prying? And how can you best support them when things don’t turn out exactly in their favor? While this thin letter may feel final, it is important to remember that no matter what, there are always alternatives and always other plans that can be made. Keep reading for some tips and tricks on helping your student cope with a rejection or wait list letter! We know how you might be feeling right now: outraged, shocked, surprised, disappointed, upset. These are all really valid, after all, it’s a scary and stressful time! While it’s ok (and normal ) to be feeling this way, it’s important to take your child’s perspective into account  if you’re panicked, imagine how they must be feeling. After all, it’s their future in question, not yours.  It’s ok to for you to panic in private, but if you demonstrate that you’re very worried to your child, chances are you’ll make them even more worried, and no one needs that.  Try venting to your friends, your spouse, and other adults that you trust, but try to manage your emotions in front of your child. It might help you to keep your feelings of panic in check by reminding yourself that there are always alternatives! For more information on gaps years, vocational schools and more, check out these posts: In the case of a rejection or a wait list, be sure to let your child take the lead. If they bring up the rejection/waitlist letter, then that probably means they are ready to talk about it! Listen to how they feel and be sure not to overshadow these feelings with your own. After all, it’s your child’s future, not your own. Take the time to talk to your child about their options  are they waiting on other admissions results? Did your child apply to a safety school? How high up on their list was the school they were rejected/waitlisted from? If they were waitlisted, are they considering taking a spot on the list? While your child should be taking the lead in these conversations about admissions results, if your child doesn’t want to talk about it or seems closed off from discussing it, try gently bringing it up by asking questions. For example, you might say something like, â€Å"How did you feel about getting waitlisted from _______?†Again, in these types of conversations, be sure to keep your own emotions in check and let your child lead the discussionâ€â€and also be sure to offer sympathy, support, and advice when your child needs it. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. While it’s easy to focus on the negatives in these situations, it is important to keep things in perspective and celebrate every triumph during the tumultuous time that is admissions season. Maybe your child got rejected from their first choice but was accepted to their second choice. Maybe they were only accepted to their safety school. Whatever the positives are, be sure to focus on them and let your child know how special you think they are. You might even consider doing research about, say, a safety school and showing your child all the cool programs/clubs/organizations they could participate in there. You might end up showing them how to look on the bright side and appreciate the options that are in front of them! In situations where some factors are out of your control, it can be extremely helpful to make a plan and think about your next steps. Sit down with your child and ask them what they plan to do. If it’s a waitlist, will they take the spot? If it’s a rejection, are there other college options? If your child hasn’t received any acceptances, have they considered alternative programs like a gap year/vocational school/service year/etc.? Remember to be hopeful but realistic about your child’s options: in the case of planning, it might be a good idea to keep your expectations low but your head high. Making a plan with your child is also a good way to get them to open up and talk about their plans in a larger sense. Consider asking them about career paths they might be interested in as well as their larger hopes and dreams for the future! While you may want to jump ahead to the planning stage or simply power through this one small disappointment, remember to be sensitive to your child. Chances are, they might be feeling differently from you about their admissions results. It is crucial that you allow your child (and yourself) time to process the disappointing news. This doesn’t mean that you must wallow in the negatives. Rather, you should allow time for the two of you to reflect and process the news. Leaving time to process might mean acknowledging your disappointment from time to time. Sometimes one simply needs to be able to say â€Å"Well, this sucks!†and then move on. Keep in mind, though, that sometimes it’s simply not possible to move on overnightâ€â€and that’s okay! There is no question that college admissions season is stressful and rejections are disappointing. Unfortunately, this will not be your child’s only time coping with disappointment in adult life, and the example that you set for them now might end up influencing them in the future. You should encourage your child to treat themselves kindly  emphasize self-care and sensitivity, while also encouraging communication, planning, and positive thinking. Finally, though you may still be disappointed about your child’s waitlist or rejection status, you never know what wins could be right around the corner for them after all, as Thomas Fuller (and Florence + the Machine ) once said, â€Å" the darkest hour is just before the dawn .â€
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sarah Palin and MSNBC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sarah Palin and MSNBC - Essay Example About Sarah Palin Sarah Palin is a famous politician, author and commentator in America. She was born on 11 February, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Palin has two sisters and a brother. Shortly after Palin’s birth, the whole family shifted from Idaho to Alaska. Her father was a science teacher and her mother was a school secretary. Thus, affiliation with education was inherent in the familial culture in which Palin was brought up. Palin went to the Wasilla High School. In addition to being an exceptional academic student, Palin served in the girls’ cross country running teams and was also the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ head in the school. She earned the title Sarah Barracuda as a result of her exemplary performance in the basketball team as the point-guard and the co-captain. Her contribution led the team to winning the Alaska state championship in 1982. In 1992, Palin was selected in the Wasilla City Council. About four years later, in 1996, Palin was made the mayor of Wasilla. Palin made an attempt to become the lieutenant governor in 2003, but ended up becoming the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s chairman. This firm assumed the role of the protector of the gas and oil fields in the state. Palin is the first Republican woman to be deemed eligible for the vide-presidency and is also the first Alaskan that made use of a major party’s national ticket in 2008, when Palin was nominated for the post of vice-presidency from the Republican Party. Palin resigned from the governorship in July 2009 after which, she launched a campaign in favor of the Tea Party Movement. Since the start of 2010, Palin has been commenting upon the politics from the platform of the Fix News and has been hosting the Sarah Palin’s Alaska show on the television. The fact that the number of viewers of the first episode of her show exceeded five million was an addition to her already lengthy list of records. The Learning Channel had never seen this volume of audiences before this show. Sarah Palin’s Involvement with MSNBC MSNBC is a US-based cable news channel which is projected in several countries including US, Canada, South Africa, Middle East and Germany. The name MSNBC is a combination of Microsoft and NBC, which reflects the joint venture of Microsoft and the NBC unit of the General Electric. This joint venture took place with the establishment of MSNBC in 1996. Originally an insignia of the partnership between Microsoft and NBC, share of Microsoft kept reducing until NBC gained almost complete hold over the news channel. MSNBC has been addicted to Sarah Palin for a long time. Palin’s overrepresentation in the media can partly be attributed to the fact that about two years ago in the Republican presidential ticket, the Alaska governor displayed an electrifying emergence. Although Palin was neither a public official in those days nor was a candidate any more, yet the journalists noticed that any r eport that included her name got listed amongst the most-viewed reports. â€Å"Palin, feeding this co-dependency and indulging the news business's endless desire for conflict, tweeted provocative nuggets that would help us keep her in the public eye -- so much so that this former vice presidential candidate gets far more coverage than the actual vice president†(Milbank, 2011). With the departure of Keith Olbermann, it is expected that MSNBC’
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