Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Story Of Adam And Eve Theology Religion Essay
The Story Of Adam And Eve Theology Religion Essay Faithful Christians all around the globe believe in the same story that is presented in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible; The Story of Adam and Eve. This story supports the creation of the first two humans to walk on earth and why we have the ability to sin. Not everyone believes this though, throughout the years there have been many different interpretations of the Adam and Eve story. The main types of differences in interpretations are: some people believe in the story, some think the story has no value, and some think there is another meaning to the story instead of the one we all describe now. With this taken into consideration, there are many interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve in Christianity that gives different insight to the story. Starting with the creation of this story, it is located in the book of Genesis. The story was created by the Samarians who passed it down to the Babylonians. The story states that there were two humans, Adam and Eve, who were created by God. God first created Adam. One day Adam told God he was lonely and wanted a companion. God then created animals to keep Adam company to take care of them. Adam again said he was still feeling lonely, so God took one of Adams ribs to create Eve. They were told to live in a garden called The Garden of Eden. This was a beautiful garden where everything was supplied for them to live and prosper. God had one rule only for them, to not eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge, if they did there would be serious consequences. As Adam and Eve explore their new home Eve finds a serpent in the tree of knowledge, this serpent represents the devil. The serpent convinces Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Eve could have thought it was car eless fun and nothing bad would come of it. Giving into temptation may be fun at first, but the consequences are never worth it.(Campus Life,2001)Suddenly Eve starts to see the consequences of her action. Adam and Eve do not know they are naked at this time, but Eve soon realizes Adam and she are naked. She convinces Adam to eat the fruit with her and they both now have disobeyed God. God returns and finds Adam and Eve hiding in a bush. He asks them why they are hiding from him. Adam and Eve reply they are naked and need to cover themselves. God knows that they had eaten from the forbidden tree. God punished them by having each child born from Adam and Eve to be born with original sin. God also had them banished from The Garden of Eden and to live among the animals. This story has been around for thousands of years, meaning there are plenty of ways to interpret this tale. This shows that What we have sought to affirm through the centuries in pointing to the Genesis storyƚ is human solidarity.(Arraj Tumulty, pp.21) The literal interpretation of the story is one the most believed and most taught around the world. It states many things, first it says God created Adam and Eve in his own image. This is self explanatory since it is stated almost exactly like that in the text. As God takes the rib from Eve it shows that they will be joined together forever as God creates Eve in his own image. Once Eve was created she was considered the mother of all things living and Adam was considered the father. Basically, the story is saying they started all of humanity. Another literal meaning from the story is that Eve was deceived by the serpent who was the devil. This showed that the devil is always trying to tempt us to go his way instead of towards God. As we Christians move away from doing good works they are reenacting when Eve took the forbidden fruit. Once this was discovered God banished the devil from the Garden of Eden, therefore overcoming the serpent. In the end Jesus came and saved the Christians from sin by overcoming the serpent.This interpretation of the story is what people get from the text without going into greater detail of the meaning through the eyes of a faithful Christian. Some argue that the stories in the Bible are just for spiritual growth and comfort. Regarding the story of Adam and Eve, there are multiple signs that give people spiritual comfort. With the creation of Adam and Eve we were created in the image of God, showing that we are all equal and beautiful in the eyes of God. To show God our thanks Christians worship him in church, which also has come from God. Just like Adam, God , figuratively speaking, took one of his ribs and created a church. Which is now church considered Gods home, or the Mother of Spirits, and was built for our spirits to be forgiven. This directly relates to Eve who is the mother of mankind. As she was deceived by the devil so was the church. This made it harder for the Church to be spiritually reborn. Then Jesus arrived and overcame the devil and the church was reborn. This meaning is what is suppose to be taken from the story according to the Bible. The Bible warns us not to be literalistic. We should serve in the ne wness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. (Romans 7:6) (What The Bible Says About) Everything from the Bible is spiritual and good lessons of ways to live life. Spiritual and literal interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve both have valid points. Each gives a background taught to Christians around the world. One type of interpretation we dont hear often is how this story could be a story commemorating the two people who formed their first society. It seems Adam and Eve story in Garden of Eden could be an actual and normal event, and not the Creation story of Adam and Eve as the first couple on the surface of the earth, but rather the first couple who founded a tribe which their decedents were remembering them.(Gollestani, The Truth Shall) This makes sense, showing that Adam and Eve could have been nomads wandering until they found the perfect spot to develop a community. With a community comes rules and regulations. God could have been a nomadic leader or king that set the first ground rules of civilization. For example, no killing, no stealing, and a judgment before a prosecution must be held. Now the story of Adam and Eve was found ma nly from Mesopotamian tablets and the holy Bible. So the Mesopotamian people could have been the ones telling a story to show there thanks to Adam and Eve for the creation of their community. These show that this story could have actually been to thank the creators of a nation instead of having a true moral meaning. With science being one of the biggest phenomenons of the modern day, it helps us decide what is possible and what is not possible. Can science overtake the way people believe in religions today? Many scientists do believe this and even have a say in the story of Adam and Eve. As already known, people who are strict believers in only scientific means think that the world was created by the big bang theory and everything evolved from evolution. This is already against popular belief of most people in the world, since Christianity is believed by 2.1 billion people. Adam and Eve were created by God, in the image of God, and to start all mankind stated by Christian beliefs. As stated in an article by Christianity Today, Reports claim of recent genetic research that the human race did not emerge from pre-human animals as a single pair, as an Adam and an Eve. The complexity of the human genome, we are told, requires an original population of around 10,000.(Christianity Today, pp.61) This i nterpretation has no belief of religion or faith just the justification of science. Its hard not to believe in facts that have been scientifically proven. People have started to believe more and more in science and religion that they even started a new one called Scientology. Scientology believes in pure scientific means of religious beliefs. All Christians and other religions that believe in God, whole heartedly believe God is everything and would never do anything to harm us. In this interpretation of the Adam and Eve story , it seems that God setup Adam and Eve. The part of the story where God is explaining to Adam and Eve that they are not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge, it makes it seem as if God wants them to eat from it. He plants this special tree in the middle of the gardenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬on display.(Emerging Truths, 2011) It shows that God says not to eat from it but in reality he really wants Adam and Eve to eat from it. There is a point as stated by Emerging Truths that says God winked at the reader saying watch they will eat it right now. Continuing the story, the serpent was thrown in there to have someone tempt Eve into eating from the tree, if the serpent was not in the story then the curiosity of Adam and Eve would have gotten the better of them and they still would have eaten from the tree. Even though it is somewhat bizarre to hear that God was trying to purposely trick Adam and Eve into eating the fruit, it is another way to view a legendary story with many interpretations. The story of Adam and Eve will stay alive for as long as this earth is still spinning. As one of the cornerstones of the human race, it is hard to forget something like that. Five interpretations for this story are very little compared to the amount of information and opinions out there. The truth of the matter is we will never know what the true meaning of this story was. It is good to have different views on the story so everyone can use it for self improvement and entertainment. The people who created it have a meaning and it is up to us to take it how we want. As the Bible stated, do not take the stories literally. The story of Adam and Eve will always be around to interpret by generations to come.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Difficulties of Beginning your own Business (Case Study)
Facts: After 20+ years of working for other firms, Penelope (enrolled agent, age 41), Mark (CPA, age 43), and John (CVA, age 65) want to leave the firms they are currently employed by and become their own bosses. Penelope specializes in taxes, Mark is the auditor, and John is a business valuation expert. There are so many options available as to how they can structure the new business. The appropriate business entity for any individual(s) will depend on their particular facts and circumstances. You are a valued colleague and friend of this threesome, and they have come to you seeking advice as to how to structure their new business.They have the knowledge to figure it out themselves but are looking for the advice of an unbiased third party. Please consider the following tax and nontax considerations as you recommend an entity choice to Penelope, Mark, and John.Part I: Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark, and John. There are a number of diffe rent forms of organizations for Penelope, Mark, and John to choose. The four main ones are a partnership, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), S Corporation, or C Corporation. In a partnership all partners are personally liable for debts and obligations. Each partner claims their share of income and losses on their individual tax returns. An LLC covers the owner from personal liability from business debts. As with a partnership, the taxes for an LLC are passed through to the owners. An S Corporation, as with an LLC, the income and taxes pass through to the owners. C Corporations are considered separate entities and pays corporate income taxes separate from the shareholders. With a C Corporation, the shareholders are also taxed on the dividends received.Part II: Make your recommendation as to what form of organization you believe will be best, and be sure to explain the reasoning for your choice. The best organization for Penelope, Mark, and John is a Limited Liability Corporation (L LC). The owners will receive the benefits of limited liability as with a corporation, but the pass through option for the taxes. The LLC is not considered a separate entity so is not subjected to double taxation.Part III: Discuss the tax consequences of contributing cash, property, and/or services to the new entity. There are no tax consequences for the members of the LLC for contributing cash, property, or services.Part IV: Discuss, in detail, how this entity is taxed (if at all) and what filing requirements it has with the IRS. A multi-member LLC is taxed as a partnership by the IRS. The LLC can elect to be taxed as a corporation by filing form 8832. The LLC files an informational tax return, Form 1065 and Schedule K-1, but is not taxed itself. Individually each member files a Form 1040 and reports their share of the LLC income or losses from the Form Schedule K-1. Each member must pay taxes, which include self-employment tax, on their share regardless if any income is distribu ted. ( V: Discuss how income and distributions may or will be allocated to Penelope, Mark, and John. The profits are shared based on percentage of ownership or equally. This needs to be decided during the set-up.Part VI: Discuss, in detail, how the individuals are taxed (if at all) with respect to the net profits from this entity and what filing requirements they will each have with the IRS. With the LLC the individual partners are liable for filing their own personal income taxes based on the guidelines of the IRS, which will include self-employment taxes and any estimated taxes. The individual return Form 1040 will also include a Schedule K-1. All credits and deductions are passed through to each member. The amount of the credits and deductions that each member files for are divided by the percentage that each member has in the company.Part VII: Discuss how Penelope, Mark, and John will calculate their basis in the new entity. Be sure to include the impact that debt ha s on basis, if any. When a partnership interest is acquired in other ways than contributions, usual basis rules apply (Code Sec 742). Since the cost is the initial basis of purchased interest it can be adjusted by the following criteria; additional contributions, partnership’s accumulated taxable income as stated separately ( ¶ 19.3), tax-exempt income from the partnership, increases in the partnership liabilities. (Code Sec. 752(a)).Part VIII (Limited Liability): Discuss the exposure that Penelope, Mark, and John's personal assets will have to the debts and lawsuits of the entity you have recommended. All personal assets of the members of the LLC are covered by the limited liability. If the company is ever sued the personal assets are protected from being taken. In choosing the Limited Liability Corporation, Penelope, John, and Mark will be protected personally from any misconduct or illegal actions of one of the other members. Each one will be able to how to contribute and manage the company. Also, by choosing the LLC option, the company and members will not be subjected to double taxation. An LLC has no limitation on members as with an S and C corporation, but have the protection. Penelope, Mark, and John will be able to focus on their individual experience to help grow the company as needed.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Education in Vietnam vs America Essay - 1219 Words
Phung Nguyen English 112 D18 Professor William December 10, 2014 Education System in Vietnam versus in America â€Å"The United States system of education that has been created for students in Kindergarten through High School is the best educational system in the world. No exceptions. No disclaimers. No doubt. It is simply the best†(Pat Quinn). This means that in many other countries, especially developing countries, the education systems are still old, and Vietnam is one of those countries. Although Vietnam’s education system has improved, the limitations in cost, teaching methods and style of learning, and college admission examinations make Vietnam’s education system still backward. First, cost is the biggest difference between†¦show more content†¦On Al Jazeera, there is an article, â€Å"Vietnam: Where free education isn’t so free†. Lien Hoang, the writer of this article, says: Public schools can’t charge tuition until the secondary level, so they require students to pay fees for sanitation, traffic guards, pens, notebooks, and even to have the building repainted†¦Primary education is compulsory and tuition-free. But other costs, such as for textbooks and uniforms, keep poor children out. That is the reason why although primary education in Vietnam is free many kids still cannot go to school. In secondary school, high school and higher education, students have to pay higher tuition if they want to go to school. Although the cost is not very high, with poor families, the fees for their children are big matters. The government does not have financial aids or subsidies to help them. It is hard to find a scholarship in Vietnam. As a result, many children drop out of school even if they study well in class. Second, the old way of teaching and learning makes Vietnam’s education unable to go further. In the United States, teachers encourage students ask questions and discuss in class to make sure students understand lectures. Some students may have intelligent questions, so teachers can learn from students also. Moreover, students can come into a teacher’s office in office hours to ask for help. Teaching methods in the United States give students incentive to thinkShow MoreRelatedSocial Changes During The 1960 S1254 Words  | 6 Pagesthat contributed to this social revolution were new developments in the Feminist Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and a rebellious counterculture. The political changes of this time period were embodied by the continuation and extension of the Vietnam War, new laws pertaining to civil rights, and the emergence of a the New Left. Economic changes during the 1960’s included a rise of inflation, the government spending exorbitant a mounts of money on the war effort, and tax cuts. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Shakespeare s Influence Of Writing - 954 Words
Shakespeare’s staged life, a period in which his life is well known for, is what society knows him as today. The name Shakespeare today means English poet, actor, and play write. Shakespeare is regarded and considered by some the greatest writer in the English language. Being England’s nation poet he constructed 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and other verses. His plays and works have influenced today’s theatres. Shakespeare’s intellect had nothing to do with facts but with ambition, intrigue, love, and suffering. This set him apart from other writers and poetic structures of his day. Shakespeare’s knowledge led him to expand his vocabulary. He knew more than 26000 words. He created and developed his own words as well. Bryson argues it’s not the†¦show more content†¦His poems and other works often dealt with metrical patterns with small degrees of variation. This metric style can be connected to the five paragraph essay today, being a limi ted length with very little variation. Shakespeare wrote with elaborate metaphors and rhetorical phrases. Choosing structure over plot, Shakespeare plays lacked quality other writers had. At the same time, Shakespeare’s passages in his plays deviate from this and used forms of poetry and simple text. Choosing style and language over plot led Shakespeare to stand out from the many writers of his time. Kay makes references throughout the book providing evidence that the area in which he lived in influenced his writing. Kay argues that there is little proof that Shakespeare was writing with passion to influence generations. Shakespeare’s writing was bound up with his existing culture, and the theatre industry. Kay argues that in writing toward the people and the stage, Shakespeare confined himself and limited his social and collaborative skills, which were present in England in his time. Value and effects have functions in the English society and impacted the writing form on the theatrical stage and off. The theatre industry changed over time which influenced writers to adapt to the different tastes of society. Nature affected writers. â€Å"Nature was a great culprit too,†says Bryson
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